Yanwen Package Tracking

Tracking numbers for Yanwen parcels usually start with two capital letters, followed by 9 digits, and end with two more capital letters, which are usually YP. For example, your Yanwen tracking number could be AB123456789YP. However, there are sometimes other formats for Yanwen parcel tracking numbers. So always make sure you are accurate when entering your details on our parcel tracking website.
If you have any questions about Yanwen packages, you can contact customer service in various ways. One option is to send an email to [email protected], while there are two customer service numbers – +86 755 8251 2889 for calls outside China and +86 400 108 5656 for calls within China.
With the Yanwen tracking number you receive at the time of purchase, you can easily use our efficient and fast parcel tracking website to find out where your parcel is in the world. Whether in transit in China, in the air towards your country or with a local courier, we can reassure you that everything is safe and going in the right direction.

Yanwen has earned the trust of Chinese sellers and eCommerce merchants over the course of 20 years of impressive growth. Its reputation is built on solid foundations, and for good reason. The competitive delivery times of 14 to 28 days for parcels delivered outside China are impressive compared to other Chinese carriers. The connections to international courier services in other countries ensure smooth delivery to domestic markets.

The various parcel services offered by Yanwen include Express, which is the fastest shipping option, and Economic Air Mail, which is the most frequently chosen by Yanwen customers as it is the most cost-effective. Alibaba sellers regularly use this service when shipping products to buyers. The Yanwen Special Line is a shipping method in which parcels are sent abroad by air freight before being handed over to regional couriers or postal services.

Yanwen has the network and capacity to deliver to over 200 countries around the world. The prices that a customer pays for these parcel deliveries vary depending on the weight and size of the parcel and the destination. The speed of shipping also varies depending on the destination. In China, you can generally expect a processing time of 1 to 14 days, so you should always check the status of your parcel.
As a leading logistics company based in China, Yanwen offers the perfect cross-border support for e-commerce companies that want to deliver their products to buyers all over the world. The international delivery service offers access to 214 countries via road, air and rail delivery methods.
The famous Chinese logistics company, also known as Yanwen Express, was founded in 1998 as Beijing Yanwen Logistics Company Limited. It specializes in local and international delivery to 214 countries. Today, the company is represented in over 50 Chinese cities in addition to its headquarters in Beijing. Yanwen is an intermediate shipper, an intermediate courier for the products and parcels that are sold from China to the West. This means that once a parcel has left China via Yanwen, it is picked up by a local courier in the destination country.

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